Piercing - Effects and sports
Irritation to your skin inside and outside of the piercing is a
normal side effect after you receive a piercing. Depending on the
length of the healing period for your specific piercing, your immune
system and aftercare regimen, your piercing may appear and feel
irritated for a minimum of four weeks to one year. When the piercing
site experiences irritation, your piercing will appear swollen and
red, and exude a clear, white or light-yellow fluid, according to
the Association of Professional Piercers. Your piercing may also
itch and be tender to the touch. Washing your piercing daily and
avoiding harsh products on your piercing can lessen irritation.
Changing the jewelry in your piercing too early during the healing
period can also cause your piercing to appear irritated.
Bacteria from your hands, if you are constantly touching your
piercing, can lead to an infection in your piercing. Oral piercings
are susceptible to infection when coming into to contact with
another person's bodily fluids. Professional piercers suggest that
you avoid deep kissing and oral sex during the healing period for
oral piercings to prevent infection.
Allergic Reactions
An allergic reaction to jewelry is possible when inappropriate
jewelry is worn on the pierced area. You can avoid possible risks by
avoiding purchasing jewelry from websites and any store that is not
a professional piercing shop. Sharing jewelry with other people,
even family can cause a reaction if the original owner is not aware
of the metal's properties. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include
the hole of the piercing increasing in size or a rash forming around
the piercing. Small red bumps, similar to acne are the first signs
of infection.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infection are also risk that threats us, especially if the
piercing is not performed by professionals. Tools and needles are
only rendered sterile if cleaned in an autoclave. Bacterial
infections, such as staphylococci, are possible in an ear piercing
from dirty equipment or disregard for the care of an ear piercing.
Not cleaning the piercing, allowing saliva onto the piercing and
touching the piercing with dirty hands are ways to contract an
infection. The ear piercing will have excessive swelling and exude
fluids containing an unpleasant odor to indicate an infection.
Bleeding is common during the piercing procedure and for several
hours after the procedure. Some piercings, such as the male genital
piercing known as a prince albert, may bleed for several days after
the piercing procedure. Your piercing may bleed if it experiences a
rip or tear from snagging on clothing, during sports or roughhousing
or from pulling on the piercing. If you experience a rip or tear in
your body piercing, visit your professional piercer. Continue to
clean the piercing while the rip or tear heals and remove any excess
dried blood from your jewelry.
Body Piercing & Sports
Children and adults with pierced ears must take special precautions
while playing sports. Especially in the first months after piercing,
the ears are susceptible to damage and infection. Adults with
pierced ears must also be careful to avoid serious injuries.
Piercing Injuries
Having pierced ears poses serious risks when the person plays
sports. A blow to the ears or face even a light one -- can drive the
ear posts into the skin on the head and neck behind the ears,
causing serious injuries. Tugging, pulling and running can pull
studs out of the earlobes and rip the surrounding skin, according to
pediatrician William Sears. This injury is extremely painful and can
leave permanent scars.
Viral Infections
Viruses such as Hepatitis A, B, and C, and HIV can penetrate a
piercing that has not healed. These viruses may be present in the
blood, saliva, semen, sweat and vaginal secretions of infected
persons. Until your piercing has healed avoid any other person's
bodily fluids contacting your piercing.
Newly-pierced ears are highly susceptible to infections because the
body treats the piercing as an open wound, according to Sears.
Sports expose the ears to more pathogens because of the close
physical contact and increased likelihood of falling. Exposure to
dirt, sweat and other substances during sports may cause newly
pierced ears to become infected. Once the holes have fully healed,
the ears are less likely to become infected, but you should avoid
wearing earrings during sports.
Keep In Mind:
After you get pierced, the studs need to stay in for four to six
weeks. If you remove them to play sports, the holes may close up. If
you've had your ears pierced recently and plan to play sports
anyway, take precautions to keep your head and ears safe. Place foam
covers on the pointy backs of earrings and use tape or gauze to hold
earrings in place. The best strategy, of course, is to remove the
earrings and try piercing again later.
Jewelry Choice
The safest metals for all kinds of piercing are gold and titanium,
which are unlikely to provoke allergic reactions or infections. Be
careful with the jewrely choice. Pick an appropriate jewel, or it's
the best to contact your piercing artist. It's very important that
your jewelry is tightened and does not feel to loose inside your
facial piercing. If the Jewelry that is too loose may also cause the
wound to open too wide, creating an entrance for bacteria that may
lead to infection.
Proper Care
clean the posts with alcohol or saline solution daily. If the
pierced area become swollen or inflamed, consult your doctor and
avoid wearing rings until the inflammation goes away.
Genital Piercing Risks
Body Piercing-Healing
Saline Solution-What to Use & How to
Products for Piercing
Piercing Aftercare